The Kfarsghabi Business Directory is a listing of Australian Kfarsghabi businesses and their contact details, published online for the benefit of the wider Australian Kfarsghabi community.

  • If you’d like to register a business in this directory (no matter how big or small), please click the “CREATE A LISTING” button below and complete the simple form.  You will be sent a confirmation email and your listing will be reviewed for publication.
  • If you’d like to search for a business in this directory, click “VIEW ALL LISTINGS” or click “DIRECTORY” to view by business category. Click the Business Name to view all business information and contact details.

This service is provided free of charge to any financial member of the Association.  If you’re not currently a financial member but would like to be one, please complete the Membership Form and kindly submit with your payment

Please Note: The AKA does not necessarily recommend or obtain benefit from any of these businesses.